You can now download any of the following presentations delivered by our inspiring speakers

StartSmart Greece 2016

Your Tech Doesn’t Matter As Much As You Think: The Importance of Business Model Innovation  – Yori Nelken, General Partner, OurCrowd First

The Israeli Investment Ecosystem: Trends & Perspectives from a VC  – Eran Wagner, General Partner, Gemini Israel Ventures

MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2016: FINALS & AWARDS CEREMONY

Pitch Decks, 10 Finalists of MITEF Greece Startup Competition
The Crowdfunding Revolution, Dr. Dan Marom, Entrepreneur, Consultant & Researcher, Dan Marom & Co. LTD
Starting Locally Going Globally: Expansion, Partnerships and the Angel’s story, Marco Veremis, CEO & Co-founder, Upstream

One Year After Winning the MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2015, Evangelos Pappas, Founder & Member of the Scientific Board, RTsafe


MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2015: FINALS & AWARDS CEREMONY

Pitch Decks, 10 Finalists of MITEF Greece Startup Competition
Fashioning Tech: The State of the Fashion Economy, Theodora Koullias, Founder & CEO of Jon Lou

Healthcare Innovation Commercialization: The Important First Steps, Marc Filerman, Accelerator Executive at CIMIT



Opening remarks at StartSmart Greece conference, MITEF Greece, Elias Moissis, VP MITEF Greece
Keynote: Starting Smart: An entrepreneur, investor and mentor perspective, Marina Hatsopoulos – Angel Investor & CEO, Windystreet
How understanding human behavior can impact health outcomes in US Healthcare System, Anmol Madan,
How, why and in what way an intriguing gadget launched an award-winning business, Hind Hobeika, Instabeat
How, why and in what way do some startups succeed while others fail: Capitalizing on the “differentiation factor”, Hussein Kanji, Hoxton Ventures
The road from Research to Market, Roozbeh Ghaffari – Co-Founder, MC10 Inc.
Idea-to-Market Process, Hind Hobeika, Instabeat &Roozbeh Ghaffari, Director of Advanced Technology, MC10
Global Technology Trends, Antoinette Matthews, Executive Director MITEF
All presentations are provided with the permission of the presenters


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