Robotics have captured human imagination for years. The advent of new and more accurate sensors, the availability of more computational power at a fraction of the cost, size and power requirements, the proliferation of open source software and hardware, the introduction of new materials and production methods like 3D printing have made robotics more affordable. These technology improvements coupled with social trends like the maker movement, crowd-funding, the aging population, the need for more efficient production, etc. have made robotics more appealing to young innovators and entrepreneurs.
The MIT Enterprise Forum Greece and the MIT Club of Greece invite you to join the upcoming event “The Robotic Evolution: From Fiction to Reality” on Wednesday 18th of December, at 18:30 at the Eugenides Foundation. Our goal is to explore the intriguing world of robotics and the exciting business and research opportunities for Greek researchers and entrepreneurs.
18:30-19:00 Registration 19:00-19:10 Opening Remarks, Vassilis Papakonstantinou, Chairman,
MIT Enterprise Forum Greece19:10-19:30 The Future of Robotics is here, Dr. Evangelos Papadopoulos,
NTUA Professor & Council member19:30-19:50 Opportunitiews at the fertile crossroads between humans,
robots, vision, and social nets, Dr. Nikolaos Mavridis, Founder & Director,
Interactive Robots and Media Lab, Assistant Professor of Research, NYU Poly19:50-20:10 The importance of social robots in healthcare, Dr. Cory Kidd
(internet connection), CEO & Founder, Intuite Automata20:10-20:30 No roads? There’s a drome for that, Andreas Raptopoulos
(internet connection), Co-Founder & CEO, Matternet20:30-21:15 Panel – Q&A’s, Panel moderated by Vassilis Papakonstantinou 21:15-21:30 Closing remarks 21:30-22:30 Light cocktail, Networking -
Dr. Evangelos Papadopoulos, NTUA Professor and Council Member
Highlights from “The Robotic Evolution: From Fiction to Reality” event, which took place at the Eugenides Foundation.
Vassilis Papakonstantinou, Chairman of MIT Enterprise Forum Greece – Opening remarks for “The Robotic Evolution: From Fiction to Reality” event.
Dr. Evangelos Papadopoulos, NTUA Professor and Council Member, speaks about “The Future of Robotics is here” at “The Robotic Evolution: From Fiction to Reality” event.
Dr. Nikolaos Mavridis, Founder and Director of the Interactive Robots and Media Lab, speaks about the “Opportunities at the fertile crossroads between humans, robots, vision, and social nets” at “The Robotic Evolution: From Fiction to Reality” event.
Andreas Raptopoulos, Co-founder and CEO at Matternet, is speaking via skype about his company and how to come up with solutions for the grand challenges that humanity is facing today.
Dr. Cory Kidd, CEO and Founder of Intuitive Automata, is speaking via Skype about his company and what it takes to commercialize academic research in interactive robots.
Panel with Vassilis Papakonstantinou, Dr. Evangelos Papadopoulos, Dr. Nikolaos Mavridis, Dr. Cory Kidd and Andreas Raptopoulos – Includes Q & A ‘s from audience.
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