Flexibility and appetite for risk, both important ingredients of entrepreneurship, are part of Greek mentality. In addition, Greece today possesses a highly educated workforce and a significant pool of individuals with strong background and skills in science and engineering seeking opportunities in the current difficult economic environment. Prospects and human capital are therefore in place for Greece to become a dynamic technology hub, creating new and innovative companies with products and services designed for the global innovation economy.
We believe that the current economic crisis creates a unique opportunity that shouldn’t be wasted.
MIT Enterprise Forum Greece is the latest chapter to join the MIT Enterprise Forum international network, the technology entrepreneurship arm of MIT Technology Review. Targeting the Greek technology startup ecosystem, MIT Enterprise Forum Greece aims to inspire young engineers and scientists and add significant value by leveraging local experience with the know-how, support network, best practices and the global network of MIT Enterprise Forum around the world.
Our inaugural event program is designed to present views and insights from experts in relevant fields. Through interviews and panel discussions we will address and answer crucial issues and concerns about the future of Greek technology entrepreneurship in the global market and how MIT Enterprise Forum Greece will contribute to making Greece a technology hub by 2021.
10:00 – 10:30 Registration and Welcome Coffee10:30 – 10:45 Opening Remarks, Vassilis Papakonstantinou, Chairman, MIT Enterprise Forum Greece10:45 – 11:00 Remarks from Officials11:00 – 11:15 Introduction to the MIT Entrepreneurial Ecosystem, Antoinette Matthews, Executive Director MIT Enterprise Forum11:15 – 12:00 Building the Vision: Jason Pontin interview with Paul English12:00 – 12:30 Coffee break and Networking12:30 – 13:15 Building the Vision: Jason Pontin interview with Paloma Cabello13:15 – 14:30 Planning Ahead: panel moderated by Jason Pontin14:30 – 15:30 Cocktail Lunch and Networking
Making Greece a Technology Hub by 2021: Building the Vision
Interviews by Jason Pontin, Chairman, MIT Enterprise Forum; Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, MIT Technology Review
– Paul English, CTO and Cofounder,
– Paloma Cabello, Founder and Trustee, MIT Enterprise Forum SpainDuring each interview, Jason Pontin will discuss with Paul English and Paloma Cabello their vision for driving entrepreneurship, the ingredients of successful entrepreneurial communities, the role of entrepreneurs and investors in growing their community and what kind of innovation attracts investment.
Making Greece a Technology Hub by 2021: Planning AheadPanel moderated by Jason Pontin, Chairman, MIT Enterprise Forum; Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, MIT Technology Review
– Katerina Stroponiati, CEO and Cofounder,
– Aris Constantinides, Founder and Investment Director NBGi Ventures
– Alex Moukas, CEO and Cofounder,
– Evangelos Papadopoulos, NTUA Council Member and ProfessorDuring this panel, discussion will explore the opportunities and challenges for technology innovation in Greece and how MIT Enterprise Forum of Greece will provide a collaborative platform connecting ideas, people and resources.
Paul English, CTO and Cofounder,
Paloma Cabello, Founder and Trustee, MIT Enterprise Forum Spain
Katerina Stroponiati, CEO and Cofounder,
Aris Constantinides, Founder and Investment Director NBGi Ventures
Alex Moukas, CEO and Cofounder,
Evangelos Papadopoulos, NTUA Council Member and Professor
Interviews and Panel moderated by Jason Pontin, Chairman, MIT Enterprise Forum; Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, MIT Technology Review
At the “Making Greece A Technology Hub by 2021” launch event, Vassilis Papakonstantinou, Chairman of MIT Enterprise Forum Greece presents the vision and mission and the ways MIT Enterprise Forum Greece will work to help and add value in the Greek technology enterpreneurial ecosystem.
Professor Stephanopoulos openning remarks at the MIT Enterprise Forum Greece launch event “Making Greece a Technology Hub by 2021”. He points out the leasons Greek history has to offer in order to learn from the mistakes and correct them in the future. Also how important are the bright examples from abroad to inspire the Greek entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Antoinette Matthews, MIT Enterprise Forum’s global executive director, presents the entrepreneurial ecosystem and the concept “Innovation = Invention + Commercialization” during the MIT EF Greece’s launch event.
Jason Pontin, Chairman, MIT Enterprise Forum; Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, MIT Technology Review, discusses with Paul English, CTO and Cofounder,, his vision for driving entrepreneurship, the ingredients of successful entrepreneurial communities, the role of entrepreneurs and investors in growing their community and what kind of innovation attracts investment.
Jason Pontin discusses with Paul English his vision for driving entrepreneurship, the ingredients of successful entrepreneurial communities, the role of entrepreneurs and investors in growing their community and what kind of innovation attracts investment.
Paloma Cabello, Founder and Trustee of MIT Enterprise Forum Spain, interviewed by Jason Pontin, Chief-in-Editor and Publisher of MIT Technology Review. Watch the whole interview covering subjects such as fostering talent, entrepreneurship, venture capitals but also her views on business plans vs execution plans, how she selects and evaluates an investment and what are her views on how governments can help create opportunities in the entrepreneurial ecosystem.
Greek panel interviewed by Jason Pontin, Chairman, MIT Enterprise Forum; Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, MIT Technology Review, at the launch event of MIT Enterprise Forum Greece.
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