Metis Seagrass

Feb 1 • 25 SEMIFINALISTS • 890 Views • No Comments on Metis Seagrass

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Metis Seagrass produces eco panels made from dried seagrass Posidonia Oceanica, which has been washed up on Mediterranean beaches. The seagrass would otherwise go to waste or to landfills. Seagrass is fully sustainable and the panels are 100% eco-friendly. Each panel has a unique composition. The combination of renewable materials and contemporary design make the panels aesthetically appealing, inspiring the use of seagrass to provide natural and healthy interior environments.


Yearly, tons of washed up seagrass dry leaves are removed by the local councils from the Mediterranean beaches, mainly for touristic purposes. Resulting in high cost for collecting and transporting this ‘rubbish’ to landfills and with EU fines for increasing the rubbish volumes. In construction, polluting materials like formaldehyde based panels gradually are being replaced with environmentally friendly materials. Due to above reasons bio-composites are popular for various applications.

Metis Seagrass’s SOLUTION:

Metis Seagrass is using seagrass as a prime material that reduces the rubbish volume, increases recycling. Its eco-friendly panels could become an alternative to traditional materials like woodchip, particle boards and plastic or synthetic boards. Additionally is helping towards a circular economy since is a natural fibre-based raw material. Metis Seagrass aims to provide interior architects/designers with a viable alternative to traditional materials and provides a minimal carbon footprint.

Contact details:

Ioannis Pavlakis, Founder & Interior Designer

Email: [email protected]

Vassia Chondrou, Partner & Business Developer

Email: [email protected]


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