Finals & Awards Ceremony 2017 (recordings)
Highlights: Finals & Awards Ceremony 2017
The competition’s winner for 2017 is Fresh Strips!
Fresh Strips are plastic stickers which get attached to packages containing food or medical supplies and indicate if the product is safe. Marios Chryssolouris, Co-founder & CEO, shares his excitement about being awarded.
The competition’s 2nd runner up is Exclusivi. Exclusivi offers hotels intelligence for driving guest spending and interfaces that are easy, engaging and fun. Babis Kourtzis, CEO, shares his excitement about being awarded at the conclusion of the competition and after receiving INTRASOFT International’s Innovation Award.
The competition 1st runner up, Cube RM, is a Pricing Management & Optimization SaaS platform leveraging predictive analytics methods and targeting large global corporations. George Boretos, Co-founder & CMO, shares his excitement about being awarded.
Angelos Angelou, Founder & Principal Executive Officer, Angelou Economics, was among the 8 judges who evaluated the Live Pitch Sessions and nominations during MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2017.
Vassilis Papakonstantinou, Chairman of MITEF Greece, warmly thanked the 75 judges, 65 mentors and 16 workshop coaches who through their efforts made MITEF Greece Startup Competition possible!
Conno Christou, Co-founder, Avocarrot, discussed the subject matter “From idea to acquisition in less than 4 years”.
Christos Kontellis, General Manager, BU Enterprise Solutions, analyzed INTRASOFT International‘s goal to promote the creation and growth of technology start-ups as well as other entrepreneurial ventures, and their introduction to the global marketplace.
Alex Maniatopoulos, CEO, Yodiwo, shared his experience in participating at last year’s MITEF Greece Startup Competition and especially the company’s progress after winning the 1st prize.
The 10 Finalists of MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2017: Live pitch presentations
Anastasios Oikonomidis, CTO at ASN.
George Boretos, Co-founder & CMO at CubeRM.
Christos Raftogiannis, Co-Founder & CEO at CityCrop.
Lefteris Papageorgiou, CEO at Entranet.
Babis Kourtzis, CEO at Exclusivi Ltd..
Marios Chryssolouris, Co-founder & CEO at FreshStrips.
George Koutras, CEO at OpenIchnos.
Mara Tsoumari, Founder & CEO at SentiGeek.
Charis Arvanitis, Founder, Spotawheel.
Vasiliki Ntampasi, Co-founder & CEO at Tesibit.
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