Winners of MIT Enterprise Forum Greece Startup Competition Announced, MIT Technology Review
Published on MIT Technology Review
On July 1, the MITEF Greece Startup Competition concluded with the selection of three winners: RTsafe, reportbrain Limited, and tomoTECH. The winners were announced during the Third Hellenic Forum for Science, Technology & Innovation, organized by NCSR Demokritos, after competition finalists pitched in front of a high-profile panel of judges, business executives, entrepreneurs, and investors from Greece and abroad.
The first-place winner, RTsafe provides a safer way to deliver radiation therapy to patients with head, neck, and brain cancers. Reportbrain Limited, the second-place winner, developed a smart news analysis and reporting platform. TomoTECH, the third-place winner, offers a dynamic and innovative cloud-based software service for processing results of three types of MRI exams: DTI, fMRI, and perfusion.
The MITEF Greece Startup Competition is a technology-accelerating competition aiming to unlock the growth potential of Greek startups and maximize their performance so they can scale faster and reach the global market. Between January 2015 and the live pitch day, participants had the opportunity to improve their business skills, refine their value propositions, and gain valuable knowledge through practical hands-on workshops offered by MIT Enterprise Forum. They networked in Greece and abroad, developing contacts and partnerships crucial to further development.
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