Apr 18 • SPEAKERS • 252 Views • No Comments on Dr. LESLIE DEWAN

Co-founder & CEO, Transatomic Power

Professional experience

Dr. Leslie Dewan is a co-founder and the Chief Executive Officer of Transatomic Power, a nuclear reactor design company developing sustainable power plants that can consume existing stockpiles of nuclear waste. She received her Ph.D. in nuclear engineering from MIT in 2013, with a research focus on computational nuclear materials. She
also holds S.B. degrees from MIT in mechanical engineering and nuclear engineering. Before starting her Ph.D., she worked for a robotics company in Cambridge, MA, where she designed search-and-rescue robots and equipment for in-field identification of chemical and nuclear weapons.

Leslie has been awarded an MIT Presidential Fellowship and a Department of Energy Computational Science Graduate Fellowship. She is a member of the MIT Corporation, MIT’s board of trustees. She was named a TIME Magazine “30 People Under 30 Changing the World,” an MIT Technology Review “Innovator Under 35,” a Forbes “30 Under 30,” a
National Geographic Emerging Explorer, and a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader.

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