StartSmart Greece 2015: The keynote speakers have been announced!
The second annual StartSmart is organized and produced by MIT Enterprise Forum Greece, with an objective to grow, refine, and nurture the Greek entrepreneurial ecosystem. Read more>

Recovering Greece: How do you cure a distressed economy? One startup at a time,
MIT News
In early June, Marina Hatsopoulos SM ’93, an investor and entrepreneur, threw a networking party at her Boston condo. 10 young Greek technology entrepreneurs pitched business ideas to 50 Boston-based Greek and Greek-American investors and business leaders. Read more>

«Γέφυρα» για τους Έλληνες startupper στην Βοστόνη «στήνει» το MITEF Greece, startupper.gr
Μια σειρά από ενέργειες που αποβλέπουν στην ενίσχυση Ελλήνων startuppers προκειμένου να αποκτήσουν πρόσβαση σε μέντορες, συμβουλευτικές υπηρεσίες, επενδυτές, συνεργάτες και πελάτες στις ΗΠΑ, σχεδίασε και υλοποίησε τους τελευταίους μήνες στην Βοστόνη το MIT Enterprise Forum Greece (MITEF Greece). Περισσότερα>

Winners of MITEF Greece Startup Competition announced, MIT Technology Review
On July 1, the MITEF Greece Startup Competition concluded with the selection of three winners: RTsafe, reportbrain Limited, and tomoTECH. The winners were announced during the Third Hellenic Forum for Science, Technology & Innovation, organized by NCSR Demokritos, after competition finalists pitched in front of a high-profile panel of judges, business executives, entrepreneurs, and investors from Greece and abroad. Read more>

MITEF Greece Startup Competition 2015: Highlights
The first year of this technology accelerating competition, that aimed to unlock the growth potential of Greek startups and maximize …Testimonials: MITEF Greece Startup Competition – reportbrain Limited – 2nd prize
The 1st runner up is reportbrain Limited which has developed a smart news analysis and reporting platform. Alexandros Kostopoulos, President & …Testimonials: MITEF Greece Startup Competition – tomoTECH – 3rd prize
The 2nd runner up is tomoTECH which offers a dynamic and innovative cloud-based software service for the processing of 3 …
Testimonials: MITEF Greece Startup Competition – RTsafe – 1st prize
The competition winner RTsafe claims that radiation therapy (RT) for cancer patients is no more unsafe. Evangelos Pappas, Founder, shares …